About Earth Day Network

Earth Day Network was founded on the premise that all people, regardless of race, gender, income, or geography, have a moral right to a healthy, sustainable environment. Our mission is to broaden and diversify the environmental movement worldwide, and to mobilize it as the most effective vehicle for promoting a healthy, sustainable environment. We pursue our mission through a combination of education, public policy, and activism campaigns. Earth Day Network has a global reach with more than 20,000 partners and organizations in 190 countries. More than 1 billion people participate in Earth Day activities, making it the largest secular civic event in the world.40th Anniversary Global Advisory Committee – See who is part of the team.

Forty years after the first Earth Day, the world is in greater peril than ever. While climate change is the greatest challenge of our time, it also presents the greatest opportunity – an unprecedented opportunity to build a healthy, prosperous, clean energy economy now and for the future.

Earth Day 2010 can be a turning point to advance climate policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy and green jobs. Earth Day Network is galvanizing millions who make personal commitments to sustainability. Earth Day 2010 is a pivotal opportunity for individuals, corporations and governments to join together and create a global green economy. Join the more than one billion people in 190 countries that are taking action for Earth Day.

La celebrazione è stata istituita nel 1970 dal senatore americano Gaylord Nelson, per stimolare la riflessione sull’ambiente e lo stato di salute del nostro Pianeta.

Ogni Paese festeggerà in modo diverso Il Giorno della Terra, con tante e diverse attività organizzate ma tutte accomunate dai medesimi scopi: promuovere la partecipazione civile, estendere il significato del concetto di ambiente, implementare i programmi di educazione ambientale, incoraggiare le giovani generazioni e prendere un impegno concreto.